Now, Beacon-based proximity marketing has become a boon to offline and omnichannel businesses in their battle to compete with online merchants and keep customers loyal and coming in through their doors. Bluetooth Beacons are being leveraged by a variety of offline businesses like car dealerships, amusement parks, museums, and restaurants because of their promising ROI. Businesses are coming up with innovative use-cases and recently we came across a lot of questions about proximity marketing using beacons device in salons and spa. So now we present to you ten innovative beacon use-cases for salons and spas.

Spas & Salons

Spas & Salons


1. Promote yourbeauty products 

In general, cosmetic brands partner with salons for product promotion. Some salons even have their own line of beauty products. For both the cases, leveraging beacons to promote their products can boost sales drastically. 

2. Upsell higher-endservices 

You can use the beacons to up-sell your services by suggesting a higher-end service. For example, when a customer that has booked for an appointment for head massage enters the spa, push a notification that would encourage them to take a hair spa that includes head massage as one of the treatments.

3. Cross-sell your services 

You can cross-sell your services by suggesting a service related to the one at hand. For example, a customer taking a pedicure is notified about a discount they can avail by taking a pedicure and manicure together. 

4. Enable customers to choose their favorite music using your app 

This can be very effective when the customer is taking a spa treatment. Different people find comfort in different kinds of ambiance. With beacons, you can enable customers to change music, the color of the lights, the temperature of the AC, etc. through their phones.

5. Recognize when a user who booked an appointment arrives 

Beacons can recognize if a customer that has booked an appointment (through your app) arrives. You can greet customers with a personalized welcome note when they arrive. You can also alert the stylist about the customer’s arrival. This way you can reduce the wait time for the customer. 

If any customer that doesn’t have an appointment arrives, you can push a beacon notification with a list of available stylists so that they can book an appointment on the spot.

6. Announce your services and discounts 

Beacons can help you get new customers. You can leverage beacons in public places like traffic signals and shopping malls to keep people informed about the list of your services, special discounts, etc. 

If you have an app, you can also push notifications that talks about your welcome offer with a link to download your app. 

7. Push promo codes and reward points 

Pleasing existing customers is as important as attracting new customers. Most salons keep their customers coming back by offering loyalty programs. You can use beacons in your salon to push notifications about your promo-codes, loyalty programs, reward points, membership plans, etc. 

8. Get customer feedback 

Salons generally have a customer feedback device in the billing section. This machine can only tell you if the customer found the service satisfying or not. But using beacons, you can push a form to customer’s phone and request them to take a survey. These surveys can give you a lot of insight of the pros and cons of your services and the things that need improvement. 

If you are planning to try out bluetooth beacons, take a look at Minew, that includes everything you need to get started! Get a sample click here.

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