Pertanyaan Umum

  • General Questions

  • Suar Bluetooth

  • Label Aset

  • Gerbang IoT

  • Label Personil

  • Pengulang

  • Sensor

  • question
  • Can BLE be developed to implement a direction-finding positioning solution similar to UWB?

    If UWB isn't suitable for your project due to cost or other limitations, but you still need similar capabilities, you can use BLE in a few ways: BLE 5.1 with AoA or AoD technology, RSSI measurements with beacons, or BLE combined with IMU sensors.
  • Why did the batch import of MBT02 devices fail on the TagCloud 3.0 platform?

    Please provide the failed import file, deviceImportResult.xlsx. We will analyze the content to determine the cause of the import failure. The error message at the end of the file will help us in our analysis.
  • Why can’t Apple devices select OTA packages in the app?

    iOS devices have permission issues that prevent the app from accessing documents outside the root directory. You can use third-party software to place the OTA package, certificates, and other necessary files in the app directory to make them accessible.
  • How long is your expected delivery?

    Minew has a global customer base and we ship to most countries around the globe. The actual delivery time is subjective to the client's location. We offer several shipment methods to meet your time constraints.
  • How does Minew ensure its quality control?

    Minew's product assurance is guaranteed by our premium services: our self-owned R&tim D, quality engineering, factory production, and etc. Minew's resources and control over every corner of the supply chain ensure only the best quality products will be shipped to our clients. Check
  • Do you test your devices before shipment & delivery?

    Minew executes strict compliance with relevant industry regulations. Our regulatory compliance services ensure 100% compliance testing and authorized certification. Check
  • What is special about Minew?

    Minew is an innovator and manufacturer, focusing on IoT hardware solutions and many other value-adding services. Our value proposition aligns with integrating advanced IoT technologies (misalnya, Bluetooth, LoRaWAN, LTE-M, 4G, 5G, and NB-IoT) with high-quality IoT devices.
  • Why Choose Minew Over Others?

    You should choose Minew because Minew is an experienced IoT hardware provider. The company is with almost two decades of industry expertise and a strong business reputation, both domestically and internationally. Check
  • What is Minew’s main market offering?

    We offer a whole selection of certified and well-crafted IoT hardware, ranging from BLE sensor tags, to Bluetooth gateways, AoA location positioning tags, tanda personel, pelacak aset, and so on.
  • Is Minew a trading company specialized in imports & exports or an IoT hardware manufacturer?

    Unlike a middleman, Minew is an innovator and manufacturer in providing IoT devices and hardware solutions (misalnya. starter kits). We have our own R&D teams and robust manufacturing capacity, helping our clients realize end-to-end production. Check
  • Do you have an interface for connecting devices and data transmitted by Minew’s beacons?

    Minew provides an app and app development document for viewing product broadcast data and configuring products.
  • Can the E7 remove the battery and support an external power supply?

    Simply solder your own wires and replace the battery with an external power source, or let us customize it for you if you need to ship in bulk.
  • What’s the best way to install a beacon to have the strongest signal and broadcasting range?

    If the installation height is less than 2 meter, the orientation of the three directions doesn't matter much. If the installation height exceeds three meters, the antenna should be placed in the downward position to have stronger signals.
  • What are some suggested deployment ways for MBM01 Ultra-Long Range Beacon?

    The beacon's signal broadcast waveform is heart-shaped, meaning the strength is optimal on both sides of the antenna. Karena itu, place the antenna first and position the sides in the aisle for the best signal. Catatan: If there are multiple beacons in a showroom, you can: 1. Adjust the broadcast strength and shorten the distance. 2. Filter the signal strength using RSSI.
  • Can I add ACC sensor to MTB02 Paper-battery Asset Tag?

    Ya, there is a space reservation for the extended plug-in.
  • What is the impact on battery life if some tags remain off for 6 months before being turned on?

    According to product tests, the average energy consumption is very low when not turned on. Storing the product for 6 months under suitable conditions has no significant effect on its lifespan.
  • Can Minew’s asset tags identify whether the asset is stacked?

    If it is only necessary to determine whether the assets are stacked or not, a video/image sensor can be useful.
  • What is the operating voltage range of the MTB02 Paper-battery Asset Tag? What about the minimum voltage when not broadcasting?

    MTB02 stops working when the battery voltage falls below 1.2V or 1200mV.
  • Mengapa Anda tidak dapat mengakses halaman konfigurasi dari G1-E?

    Ini mungkin karena Anda telah menyetel kata sandi sebelumnya, dan browser Anda telah menyimpan informasi login lama. Silakan coba bersihkan cache browser Anda lalu login kembali.
  • Bagaimana beberapa gateway dapat mengirim dan menerima perintah secara massal?

    Anda dapat menggunakan format berikut untuk topiknya: /gw/anggur/status, /gw/anggur/aksi, /gw/ac233fc1772b/response. Saat perintah dipublikasikan ke suatu topik, semua gateway akan menjalankannya secara bersamaan. Responsnya dapat dibedakan berdasarkan topik untuk mengidentifikasi gateway mana yang mengembalikan informasi.
  • Does the MG3 or MG4 gateway support remote configuration and updates?

    Ya, the MG3 and MG4 gateways support remote configuration and OTA updates via MQTT.
  • Apakah G1 IoT Bluetooth Gateway mendukung protokol jaringan HTTP/MQTT?

    Gateway G1 mendukung protokol jaringan MQTT dan HTTP, memungkinkan Anda memilih sesuai kebutuhan.
  • Mengapa data yang diterima melalui G1 IoT Bluetooth Gateway tampak tertunda?

    Gateway G1 mengunggah data siaran Beacon setiap detik secara default, yang mungkin dianggap sebagai a "menunda." Anda dapat mengurangi interval pengunggahan di halaman konfigurasi.
  • Does the MG3 Mini USB Gateway or MG4 Rechargeable IoT Gateway support data pre-parsing?

    MG3 or MG4 gateway does not support data pre-parsing. For this feature, please consider using the G1 IoT Bluetooth Gateway.
  • Does MG3 Mini USB Gateway or MG4 Rechargeable IoT Gateway support duplicate data filtering?

    MG3 or MG4 gateway does not support duplicate data filtering. For this feature, please consider using the G1 IoT Bluetooth Gateway.
  • Mengapa G1 IoT Bluetooth Gateway tidak dapat menerima data yang dilaporkan setelah berhasil tersambung ke hub Azure IoT?

    Azure IoT Hub memiliki batas ukuran paket data D2C. Silakan periksa di sini untuk melihat apakah layanan Anda terpengaruh dan sesuaikan ukuran paket gateway G1 untuk memenuhi persyaratan platform.
  • Does MG3 Mini USB Gateway support the wireless security protocol (802.1x RADIUS enterprise authentication)?

    MG3 gateway currently does not support 802.1x RADIUS authentication, but it can support four EAP methods depending on the hardware: EAP-TLS, PEAP, EAP-TTLS, and EAP-FAST. The G1 IoT Bluetooth® Gateway supports 802.1x RADIUS authentication.
  • In G2, is it possible to determine and access the Angle of Arrival (AoA) of the packet using a C or Python script?

    The gateway uploads received Bluetooth data to the server, either from a Bluetooth connection or broadcast packets, and customers can choose how to retrieve this data from the server.
  • After repowering, do we need to press the button on the side of the MG5 every time in order for the MG5 to communicate with the MQTT server?

    The MG5's current firmware requires manual power-on after depletion and reconnection to an external power source. An auto start and restart function is expected soon.
  • How does MG5 achieve offline data storage?

    The MG5 has built-in information sources like GNSS positioning, suhu, and battery level, all stored internally. If the network is disconnected or it's not time to upload, BLE scan results are also stored. The storage can hold approximately 50,000 entries; once full, the oldest data is discarded to make room for new data.
  • Apakah MWC03 mendukung penonaktifan pemindaian Bluetooth untuk melaporkan sinyal GPS saja, atau menonaktifkan GPS untuk hanya melaporkan data Bluetooth?

    Ya, ini mendukung konfigurasi ini dan dapat diintegrasikan dengan platform Anda sendiri untuk konfigurasi jarak jauh.
  • How does the MWB01 Dynamic Tag fulfill personnel management?

    MWB01 Dynamic Tag achieves personnel management and indoor positioning by leveraging built-in NFC function and Bluetooth LE tracking technology. Selain itu, the MWB01 is portable, lightweight, and supports various wearable options.
  • Berapa masa pakai yang diharapkan dari Kartu Lokasi Ultra-tipis MWC02?

    Kartu Lokasi Ultra-tipis MWC02 mendukung masa pakai di atas 2 tahun. Untuk mengatasi berbagai skenario aplikasi, MWC02 juga ditingkatkan dengan kemampuan tahan air IP67.
  • Berapa perkiraan jangkauan siaran suar kartu C10?

    Suar kartu C10 mendukung Bluetooth® 5.0 dan jangkauan transmisi siaran 100 meter, terutama berlaku untuk pengaturan dalam ruangan, seperti rumah sakit dan tempat kerja.
  • How to enable the sleeping mode of B7 Button Wristband?

    After enabling "Trigger Settings" and completing the ACC setup, customers can turn off "Usual Broadcast". This will make the frame broadcast for a configurable period only when ACC is triggered and stop when not triggered. Di samping itu, no firmware update is required.
  • Dapatkah MBT02 Asset Bluetooth Repeater dimodifikasi sehingga hanya akselerasi yang dapat memicu pemindaian?

    Ya, itu dapat dimodifikasi. Papan MBT02 saat ini memiliki sensor akselerasi yang dicadangkan; itu hanya memerlukan adaptasi firmware.
  • Does the S4 Bluetooth® 5.0 Door Sensor support broadcasting and alerting only when a state change occurs?

    Ya, it also supports periodic broadcasting, and the broadcasting interval can be configured.
  • Apakah mungkin untuk menerima dan mengurai data MSR01 pada PC tanpa gateway Minew?

    PC tidak dapat secara langsung memindai data siaran suar, tetapi dapat dipindai dan diterima menggunakan alat Nordic DK eksternal atau dengan mengunduh NRF Connect versi PC.
  • Apakah sinyal radar MSR01 akan membahayakan tubuh manusia?

    Radar beroperasi pada frekuensi 60GHz yang aman, tidak membahayakan manusia. Sistem radar, termasuk yang beroperasi pada 60GHz, dirancang untuk memastikan keamanan dalam batas paparan manusia yang ditetapkan.
  • Sensor Radar Gelombang Milimeter MSR01 membalas untuk mengenali orang atau benda?

    Ini menggunakan karakteristik identifikasi manusia, yang mungkin juga meluas ke hewan, tetapi dengan potensi gangguan radar dari logam. Pengaturan deteksi ketinggian dapat menyaring gangguan tersebut ketika ada lalu lintas manusia. Objek dapat dideteksi tanpa label tambahan, dan algoritma membedakan secara otomatis antara manusia dan objek lainnya.
  • How is your S4 Bluetooth 5.0 Door Sensor built to interact with magnets. Reed Switch or Magnetic sensor?

    When the magnet is near the circuit, it signals a 'closed' state; when the magnet moves away, it signals an 'open' state.
  • What is the sensitivity of the Bluetooth 5.0 Sensor Pintu? Is it adjustable?

    Currently, the S4 has a maximum sensing distance of 2.5 cm and does not support sensitivity adjustment via programming. Theoretically, adjusting the size and strength of the magnet can alter the sensing distance.
  • What is the maximum distance between the two parts that S4 Bluetooth 5.0 Door Sensor can detect?

    Based on previous hardware testing, the S4 body can detect the magnet at a maximum trigger distance of approximately 25 mm. In practical tests, it reliably detected closure within a shell spacing of about 1-2 cm. Using a larger and stronger magnet theoretically extends the maximum trigger distance further.
  • Berapa tingkat kedap air pada tampilan layar MST01?

    Ya, peringkat kedap air IP65 berlaku untuk badan sensor dan komponennya bila dirakit dan disegel sesuai dengan spesifikasi desain.
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