Office and Workplace IoT Starter Kit is a Bluetooth® IoT Developer Kit, highly recommended for smart workplace and office environment optimization. It is created convincingly by equipping the workplace with an interconnected IoT Starter Kit MOS that leverages Bluetooth® technologies and IoT devices for accurate indoor environment monitoring, employee and work asset management, and workspace utilization.
The kit is designed for the quick development of your wireless IoT application and seamless integration of a wide range of Bluetooth® IoT devices especially in work places. Untuk semua orang yang telah membeli starter kit atau produk suar Minew (mereka yang memiliki protokol publik), TagCloud gratis untuk demonstrasi dan pengujian yang berfungsi sebagai asisten virtual dalam pemantauan pergerakan pasien, tanggap darurat, manajemen peralatan, dll..
Platform ini mengintegrasikan fungsi pengumpulan dan demonstrasi data, pemantauan gerbang, Manajemen perangkat Bluetooth dan sumber terbuka, memfasilitasi manajemen terpusat perangkat IoT.
Anda dapat mengharapkan lebih banyak dari Minew TagCloud.
• Temperature and humidity monitoring
• Detect physical changes in the environment
• Space planning and optimization
• Place positioning and monitoring
• Work items tracking
• Equipment monitoring
• Task assignment
• Work coordination
• Employee clock in and out
• Detect the opening and closing of door/window
• Improve reliability and security
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