IoT-driven Hardware Solution for People Safety and Asset Security

Leverage the power of advanced IoT technology and superior wireless connectivity to enhance safety and security across various industries with real-time monitoring, high-precision location tracking, and seamless device integration.

    Tantangan Industri

    The ever-connected human interactions and constantly evolving business landscape increase the complexity of safety and security demands. Industries face safety and security issues, termasuk:

    • Manufacturing Plants:

      need to ensure worker safety around heavy machinery and hazardous materials while securing the premises against theft and unauthorized access.

    • Fasilitas Kesehatan:

      face challenges of protecting sensitive patient information, securing restricted areas, and ensuring the safety of patients and staff during emergencies.

    • School Bus:

      ensures student and teacher safety. Access control, location management, and emergency response provide a safer environment during daily transit.

    Ringkasan: Minew Smart IoT Hardware Solution for Safety and Security

    Both individuals and businesses place a high priority on ensuring safety and security. While traditional methods cannot cope with today’s increasingly complex safety and security issues, Minew’s IoT solutions bridge this gap by leveraging advanced technologies like Bluetooth®, LoRaWAN®, NB-IoT, UWB, RFID, LTE-M, 4G, 5G, IoT wearable devices, and AoA indoor location tracking to deliver robust yet energy-saving safety and security solutions.

    Dan Minew, we recognize the critical need to safeguard people’s well-being in all situations. Dengan demikian, our safety and security IoT hardware solutions primarily focus on eliminating safety and security issues while simultaneously boosting productivity and efficiency.

    How Does it Work ?

    Minew’s personnel tags are lightweight and portable, supporting various wearable formats. Once attached to target objects, the location of moving objects can be detected via AoA indoor location beacons and IoT gateways.

    Minew offers various versatile asset trackers, working seamlessly with IoT gateways to transmit location data in harsh environments and changing conditions.

    Minew’s sensor tags can not only monitor environmental data but also capture human presence via high-precision Millimeter Wave Radar Sensor and Bluetooth® PIR Sensor.

    Product Benefits in Typical Application Scenarios

    • Construction Site Safety

      Construction Site Safety

      Wearable location devices for construction workers help minimize accidents by monitoring location and safety compliance on-site. They provide real-time alerts for administrators to send first-aid medical services and rescue teams if accidents occur.

    • School Bus Security

      School Bus Security

      Ensuring the safety of students and teachers is a top priority. Access control, manajemen armada, and emergency response systems contribute to a more secure environment during daily commuting and transit.

    • Warehouse Security

      Warehouse Security

      Protecting valuable inventory and ensuring operational efficiency are critical to warehouse digitalization. Minew's well-crafted personnel tags, pelacak aset, and environmental sensors detect anomailes and unauthorized access.

    • Airport Security

      Airport Security

      Ensuring the safety of passengers and assets is paramount at airports. Minew's advanced IoT hardware solutions empower airports to efficiently manage access, respond swiftly to potential threats, and ensure a secure environment.

    • Nursing Home Facility Security

      Nursing Home Facility Security

      Nursing home facilities benefit from Minew's remote access control, real-time personnel management, and high-precision asset tracking. Selain itu, industrial-grade environmental sensors monitor data to support quick recovery and 24/7 patient care.

    • Retail Loss Prevention

      Retail Loss Prevention

      RFID technology, anti-tamper asset trackers, and human detection tags enable retailers to prevent theft and enhance store security by tracking inventory and monitoring in-store activities.


    • What is the estimated battery lifetime of the B10 Smart Emergency Button?

      The B10 Smart Emergency Button supports smart magnetic charging. After each recharge, the battery lifetime can reach up to approximately 60 hari.
    • Do clients need to own their own cloud system once purchasing the MG4 Rechargeable IoT Gateway?

      Clients can surely utilize their own cloud system. Whereas, the MG4 is compatible with multiple mainstream cloud systems, such as Amazon AWS, IBM Cloud, and Microsoft Azure. It shortens the time to market and accelerates PoC or IoT project completion.
    • What are the typical applications of the MST01 Industrial Temp and Humidity Sensor?

      The MST01 is an industrial Bluetooth® temperature and humidity sensor, catering to various industrial and commercial settings, such as smart warehouse management, medical environment monitoring, and production environment digitalization.

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