ble tags for asset tracking
Баннер продуктов с тегами активов

IoT Sensor Tag

Customer Review Alex Ramirez
Sensing begins with the IoT devices, after which we gather and analyze the data. Minew offers a wide range of IoT sensor tags combining BLE and LoRaWAN technology, including those for temperature, влажность, atmospheric pressure, human presence, and many. Choose the right sensor to support your project.
персональный тег-баннер

What is a sensor tag used for?

Sensor tags are versatile devices capable of detecting environmental changes and transmitting collected data wirelessly or wired.In the digital age, data-driven insights are crucial for informed decision-making. Real-time data and low consumption—two key features of IoT sensor tags—are essential across industries. Combining BLE or LoRaWAN technology, Minew’s sensor tags provide extensive coverage and collect and transmit data in real time for unified analysis and decision-making management.

The full potential of sensor tags lies in their ability to detect and respond to environmental changes.In smart warehousing, IoT sensor tags monitor environmental parameters like temperature and humidity to maintain optimal storage conditions and protect stored items. By detecting human or object presence, occupancy or PIR sensors optimize space utilization and resource allocation. IoT sensors are diverse in their functions and applications.

  • зондирование

    environmental changes: temp, влажность, свет, occupancy, и т. д..

  • Real-time data

    собранный, transmitted, and analyzed

  • Smart industry

    smart warehousing, логистика, building, и т. д..

Typical types of sensor tags

  • Температура & Датчик влажности

    For temperature and air humidity monitoring

  • Light Sensor

    Detect light and convert it into an electrical signal

  • Door Magnetic Sensor

    Detect the open or closed state of doors and windows

  • Millimeter Wave Radar Sensor

    Detect the presence, расположение, distance,движение, and angle of a target

  • Atmospheric Pressure Sensor

    Measure the pressure exerted by the atmosphere

  • ToF (Время полета) Датчик

    Measure distance by using light or electromagnetic waves

  • Датчики протечки воды

    Proactive real-time water leak detection

  • LoRaWAN PIR Sensor

    Detect human presence or movement

Explore all Minew BLE sensor tags

  • MST01 Pt100 Датчик температуры

    MST01 Pt100 Датчик температуры

    -200℃ ~ 200 ℃
    Food-grade probe
    Pt100 sensor

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  • Bluetooth 5.0 Датчик двери

    100m broadcast range
    Тамперная сигнализация
    Плановый мониторинг

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  • MST03 Регистратор температуры объекта

    -30 ℃ ~ 60 ℃
    Местоположение актива
    60,000 хранение данных
    Рейтинг IP67

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  • MST01 Промышленный датчик температуры и влажности

    -40 ~ 125℃
    4 probes
    200m broadcast range
    Рейтинг IP67

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  • MSR01 Радарный датчик миллиметрового диапазона волн

    Встроенный алгоритм искусственного интеллекта
    99% Точность
    Анонимное обнаружение
    120° горизонтальный угол

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  • Транспортировка холодовой цепи

    Minew’s sensors provide real-time monitoring of key parameters during transport, ensuring goods remain at optimal temperature, влажность, and other conditions throughout the journey. This helps safeguard the quality and safety of cold chain products, such as food and pharmaceuticals.
  • Подсчет людей

    Utilize Minew’s millimeter wave radar sensor to accurately count the flow of people in buildings. This data enables you to optimize resource allocation, ensuring that staff is deployed where needed most, enhancing service quality and efficiency. By understanding foot traffic patterns, you can also reduce wait times, improve customer experiences, and make informed decisions about facility management and space utilization.
  • Домашняя безопасность

    Integrate the magnetic door sensor into your home or business security system for enhanced protection. It monitors your doors and windows, instantly detecting any openings and alerting you to unusual activity, ensuring the safety of both people and property.
  • Water Leak Management

    Minew’s LoRaWAN water leak sensor instantly alerts you when the probe detects water, enabling quick identification of leaks and immediate action. Built on the LoRaWAN standard protocol and rated IP67, the sensor offers extensive coverage with ultra-low power consumption, ideal for communication base stations, библиотеки, музеи, and other locations requiring water leak prevention.

What makes Minew stand out in IoT sensor tag?

  • Seasoned & Competitive

    Top-notch R&команда Д
    Expert customized service

  • Innovative

    200+ patents and

  • Заводское производство

    Низкая громкость, Высокий микс
    Большой объем, Стабильная доставка

  • Premium Services

    Dedicated technical support
    Незамедлительный ответ

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