IoT Smart Hospital and Healthcare Starter Kit, highly recommended for patient positioning and hospital digitalization, ensures a cost-effective healthcare solution aimed at accelerating the deployment and enhancing the advancement of умное здравоохранение. Hospital and Healthcare IoT Starter Kit MHS offers everything you need for patient safety, позиционирование персонала, medical facility management, and indoor route navigation based on Bluetooth Low Energy technology and RFID (НФК) function with Minew IoT hardware solutions.
The kit is designed for the quick development of your wireless IoT application especially in healthcare. Для всех, кто приобрел стартовые наборы или маяки Minew. (те, у кого протокол публичный), TagCloud бесплатен для демонстрации и тестирования и служит виртуальным помощником при мониторинге движений пациента., реагирование на чрезвычайные ситуации, управление оборудованием, и т. д..
Платформа объединяет функции сбора и демонстрации данных., мониторинг шлюза, Управление устройствами Bluetooth и открытый исходный код, упрощение централизованного управления устройствами Интернета вещей.
Вы можете ожидать большего от Minew TagCloud.
Healthcare industries have to confront many challenges in terms of healthcare service quality, data privacy, equipment and personnel security, and IoT device compatibility. It's high time for Minew to provide a better healthcare solution, leveraging the power of advanced Bluetooth® Low-energy (ТО) technologies to improve healthcare availability and accessibility with wireless data transmission and high-precision indoor positioning.
Minew's IoT Starter Kit for Hospital and Healthcare helps to accelerate the deployment of IoT smart health technologies in a resolute patient privacy-maintaining manner, promoting affordable health care, cost-efficient health services, and many other benefits.
Patient Care
Healthcare Equipment Management
Навигация по маршруту
Security and Privacy Protection
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