새로운 Minew Pt100 RTD 온도 센서 이해

광산 9월. 20. 2024

    What is Pt100 RTD Temperature Sensor?

    RTD temperature sensor is a small device. “RTD” stands for “Resistance Temperature Detector”. As its name implies, it is used to measure the temperature in within a specific area. In Pt100, “Pt” stands for “Platinum”, the material used in the sensing element. 100 refers to the resistance value of 100 ohms at 0°씨. This means that at 0°씨, the resistance of the PT100 sensor is precisely 100 ohms. Platinum is commonly used in RTD temperature sensors due to its stable and repeatable resistance-temperature relationship over a wide range of temperatures.

    Pt100 RTD temperature sensor have been used for temperature measurement in laboratory and industrial processes for many years. This kind of temp sensor is known for its accuracy, repeatability and stability.


    How Does Pt100 RTD Temperature Sensor Work?

    Before we know the working principle of RTD temperature sensor, we will introduce the basic physical principle: When the temperature of a metal increases, the resistance to electric current also increases. The resistance element is used to measure the resistance of the current being passed through it. The larger the resistance, the larger the number displayed.

    Using stable Pt100 as material, it can accurately reflect the resistance with the change of temperature. When the temperature increases, the electric resistance also increases. And the numbers shown on the screen are larger. 일반적으로, the response time of Pt100 RTD temperature sensor is between 0.5 에게 5 초. It is an ideal material for temperature measurement.

    The Types of Pt100 RTD Temperature Sensors

    Depending on different structures, Pt100 RTD temperature sensor come in 2 종류: Thin-film and Wire-wound. Although the structure is different, these two types of Pt100 RTD temperature sensors use the same measurement principle.


    In this design, a very thin layer of platinum is deposited onto a ceramic substrate, forming a resistive path that changes resistance in response to temperature changes. It involves depositing a platinum layer (usually only a few micrometers thick) onto a flat ceramic base (substrate), typically made of alumina. The platinum layer is then patterned in a serpentine or grid-like shape to maximize the length of the resistive path, allowing for precise resistance control. A protective coating, often glass or ceramic, is applied to shield the platinum layer from physical damage and contamination.


    In a wire-wound Pt100 RTD sensor, the sensing element is consists of platinum wire wound into a precise coil. The platinum wire is wound in a helical (spiral) shape and mounted either around a ceramic or glass core or placed in a cavity within a ceramic/glass body. 새로운 Minew Pt100 RTD temperature sensor adopts this structure. It can offer high accuracy, stability, and a wide temperature range.

    What RTD Temperature Sensor Is The Most Widely Used?

    Pt100 RTD temperature sensor is the most popular temp sensor that is used in the world because of its accuracy, stability, and versatility in a wide range of applications. Here are the main reasons why Pt100 RTD temperature sensors are widely used:

    1.높은 명중률: Pt100 temperature sensors offer excellent accuracy, typically within ±0.1°C to ±0.5°씨. This makes them ideal for precise temperature measurement in critical applications.

    2.Stability: Pt100 sensors provide very stable measurements over time, which is crucial in industrial and laboratory environments. It can ensure its long-term reliability. Platinum’s predictable and linear relationship between temperature and resistance ensures repeatable results.

    3.Wide Temperature Range: Pt100 sensors can measure temperatures from around -200°C to 200°씨, making them suitable for a broad range of applications, from cryogenics to high-temperature industrial processes.

    4.호환성: Pt100 sensors are compatible with a wide range of measurement instruments, making them very versatile for use in different applications.

    What’s New: Minew Pt100 RTD Temperature Sensor

    Minew new-launched Pt100 RTD temperature sensor is stable and have high accuracy, wide temperature range and compatibility. This kind of temperature sensor has more new advantages:

    1.맞춤형 프로브: Pt100 RTD temperature sensor use PTFE as the wire material. It can provide high temperature and chemical resistance so it is durable and flexible.

    2.프리미엄 식품 등급 프로브: This probe is critical for the environment like food processing, cooking, and other applications where food safety and hygiene. It can meet strict industry standards.

    3.초저온 기능: There are two versions of Pt100 RTD temperature sensors. MST01-09 can measure the temperature around -200°C to 200°C and MST01-10 is -40~ 180. Both versions are suitable for measurement needs in low temperature environments.

    4.고정밀 모니터링: With the application of RTD sensor and Pt100, the minew new temperature sensor can provide high precision monitoring. 또 뭔데, the standard tolerance classes for DIN RTDs is class A. The temperature measuring error is around ±0.1°C to ±0.5°씨.

    The Features of Minew Pt100 RTD Temperature Sensor

    1.Real-time data visualization: The key data like max value, min value, and average values can be shown on the screen. Also the sensor can detect whether the real-time temperature data is out of the preset threshold. The real-time data is also uploaded in M센서, the dedicated tool tailored for the configuration and maintenance of Beacon tags and sensors.

    2.Configurable temperature thresholds: Minew Pt100 RTD temperature sensor can preset multiple temperature thresholds. It can highly improve the working effectiveness to detect different data in different purposes.

    3.Large local data storage of 20,408 로그: Up to over 20,000 로그, the new temperature sensor can track temperature data for a long time and know the change in detail. It can greatly reduce the impact of too little data.

    4.IP67 dust & water resistance: Waterproof and dustproof can help Pt100 온도 센서 adapt to different environments. Even in harsh environmental conditions, it still can work perfectly.

    The Applications of Pt100 RTD Temperature Sensor

    Due to the excellent characteristics and wide applicability of the sensor, Pt100 RTD temperature sensor can be applied in many environments that need high-precision temperature measurement.

    1.Laboratory and Experiment Center: Pt100 temperature sensors can be used in temperature-related experiments and tests. It can measure the temperature range -200° 에게 200°씨.

    MST01 series 03

    2.Low Temperature Environment: The lowest temperature that the sensor can detect is -200°씨. The sensor is suitable for both extreme and ordinary low temperature environments, such as the preservation of biological samples, food and vaccines.

    MST01 series 04

    3.운송: Pt100 temperature sensor can be deployed in transport vehicles. 예를 들어, it can be used to measure the temperature in dry ice transportation and food transportation.


    4.Food Handling & Processing: PT100 RTD sensors are used in food processing to ensure accurate temperature control during cooking, cooling, and storage processes.

    Food Handling & Processing

    5.Manufacturer: Used in industries like chemicals, oil and gas, and manufacturing to monitor and control process temperatures.

    Why Does Minew Pt100 RTD Temperature Sensor Have 4 Wires?

    RTD probes have a variety of configurations: 2-wire, 3-wire and 4-wire. There is a huge different among these different probes. Minew Pt100 RTD Temperature Sensor is using 4-wire configuration. 4-wire can measure the voltage drop so that it can minimize measurement error due to channel. Comparing with other two configurations, 4-wire configuration is the most complex one. But it can provide the most accurate temperature measurements. So this is why Minew Pt100 RTD Temperature Sensor can be applied in laboratories and other environments that require high precision measurement.

    RTD vs Thermistor: 차이점은 무엇입니까?

    RTD temperature sensors and thermistor sensors are both types of resistors that apply the the relationship between resistance and temperature. But these two temperature sensors are different. Mainly due to the difference in structure and material:

    Thermistors are temperature-sensitive resistors used to measure and control temperature. They are a type of resistance temperature detector (RTD), but unlike RTD, which typically use platinum, thermistors are made from ceramic materials or polymers that exhibit a significant change in resistance with temperature.

    Because of the differences between sensors’ materials and structures, Pt100 RTD temperature sensor and thermistor temperature sensor are also different in reaction time, measurement temperature range and cost.


    RTD temperature sensor is used to measure the temperature in particular environment. In various temperature sensor, Minew Pt100 RTD temperature sensor is stand out for its wide measure range, great hardware performance.

    자주하는 질문

    Does RTD Temperature Sensor Need Power Supply?

    물론, the sensor needs battery power to show the data on the screen and maintain the normal operation of the sensor. So it must need power to supply. The battery capacity of Minew Pt100 RTD temperature sensor is 2700 mAh. It can be used for over 3 연령.

    Why Platinum is Used in RTD?

    The stability of the platinum is one of the main reasons that be used in temperature sensors. Also it can minimize the fluctuation in temperature data readings. It is by far the most stable material in all temperature sensors.

    What is Another Name for RTD Temperature Sensor?

    RTD 온도 센서 is also called resistance temperature detectors. These two names are both frequently used in the global sensor market.

    다음: 정의 & BLE 태그 사용, 센서 태그, 인사 태그, 및 자산 태그
    이전: 블루투스 6.0 채널 사운딩: 장치 간 진정한 거리 인식