LXSD01 LoRa 신호 감지기

Optimize the LoRaWAN network planning.

The LXSD01 LoRa Signal Detector is a LoRa signal quality tester based on the standard LoRaWAN protocol. It measures RSSI, SNR, and packet loss rate across both uplink and downlink channels. With GPS positioning technology, it records each measurement point, helping to create an effective LoRaWAN network coverage map. Network insights are easily accessible through the user-friendly LCD screen. The LXSD01 detector is durable and designed for long service life, making it ideal for continuous signal quality testing during LoRaWAN network deployment.

  • LoRa Signal Detecting
  • RSSI / SNR / Packet Loss Rate
  • Measurement Points Locating (GPS)
  • LCD 디스플레이
  • 오래 지속되는 배터리 수명
  • IP65 Protection
Gain intuitive network insights now.

Gain intuitive network insights now.

Equipper with a 2.67LCD display, the LXSD01 presents instant and intuitive measuremetns of RSSI, SNR, and packet loss rates. When deploying a LoRaWAN network, the LSXD01 signal detector works to avoid dead spots and optimize network planning. It simplifies troubleshooting and lowers future maintenance costs.

With a road map help.

With a road map help.

The LXSD01 detector’s GPS technology creates an optimal network coverage map. It records each measurement point, helping you identify areas with strong LoRaWAN network coverage and where additional coverage is needed.

Explore farther, last longer.

Explore farther, last longer.

No more interruptions during maintenance. The LXSD01 signal detector offers a 24-hour lifespan even during continuous testing. You can focus on what matters instead of worrying about battery drain and data loss.

Rugged, 믿을 수 있는, unstoppable.

Rugged, 믿을 수 있는, unstoppable.

With rugged housing, the LXSD01 signal detector is protected against dust and water. It delivers accurate LoRa signal detection even in dust-dense environments. 추가적으로, it performs reliably in farmlands and parks that require frequent irrigation.


기본 정보.
Power Supply Type 충전식 리튬 배터리
배터리 용량 3.7V / 3000mAh
작동 온도 -10℃ ~ 50℃
작동 습도 10% ~ 95% RH, 비응결
치수 295mm * 85.5mm * 29.5mm (including antenna)
서비스 수명 24 시간 (continuous testing)
Protection Level IP65
LoRaWAN® Specs.
작동 주파수 (MHz) EU863-870MHz, US902-928MHz
통신 프로토콜 표준 LoRaWAN® 프로토콜
수신기 감도 -141dBm @ SF12
송신 전력 ≤19dBm (조절할 수 있는)
작동 모드 클래스 A
Antenna External antenna


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