LTB01-G LoRaWAN GPS 자산 추적기

Real-time global geolocation

LTB01-G LoRaWAN® GPS Asset Tracker
LTB01-G LoRaWAN GPS 자산 추적기

The LTB01-G LoRaWAN GPS Asset Tracker is a wireless monitoring device based on the standard LoRaWAN protocol. It features GPS technology and an accelerometer for accurate location and movement tracking. This GPS asset tracking device automatically acquires GPS positioning data during movement and supports data transmission over distances exceeding 2km (1.24 마일). The LTB01-G asset tracker is compact, battery-powered, and has ultra-low power consumption. With its anti-theft design and easy installation, it can be easily deployed in settings such as enterprise asset management, mobile property tracking, livestock monitoring, bulk goods oversight, and shared bicycle systems.

  • LoRaWAN 표준 프로토콜
  • 2km 이상 (1.24 마일) communication range (열린 공간)
  • GPS positioning
  • 내장 가속도계
  • 이중보고 모드
  • 탬퍼 방지 경보
  • 2400 mAh 배터리
  • IP65 water and dust resistance
Long Range Transmission

Long Range Transmission

This LoRaWAN-based multiband device supports nearly all frequency bands in global areas. Use the LTB01-G GPS asset tracker to build a scalable asset tracking solution based on the LoRaWAN network, with a communication range of up to 2 km (열린 공간에서).

Accurate Tracking Globally

Accurate Tracking Globally

• GPS Positioning System
• Positioning accuracy: 5m-10m

Periodic or Movement-based

정기적으로 위치 업데이트를받습니다, 또는 움직임이 발생할 때. Always track your assets accurately with this GPS asset tracking device.

주기적 모드

위치 업데이트를 정기적으로 받으려면 보고서 간격을 사용자 정의하십시오..
오래 지속되는 배터리 수명

Motion Mode

가속도계가 트리거 될 때 정지/이동 추적에 대한 즉각적인 알림 가져옵니다..
장거리 통신
Ultra Low Power

Ultra Low Power

With a built-in 2400 mAh battery and low power consumption supported by LoRaWAN technology, the LTB01-G GPS tracker enables an extended track-and-trace period.

Theft Prevention

Theft Prevention

With a switchable anti-tamper design, the LTB01-G tracker ensures all your assets are effectively managed and protected, including the tracker itself.

문제 해결

  • Enterprise asset

    Enterprise asset

    Digitalize and simplify the asset management within your organization.

  • 기호 논리학

    기호 논리학

    Real-time updates on parcel location to enhance customer experience.

  • 창고


    Instantly locate and check stock.

  • Livestock


    Track and monitor livestock for location and movement. Set up a digital geofence.

  • Shared bicycles

    Shared bicycles

    Prevent theft and help optimize the deployment of shared bicycles.


기본 정보.
쉘 소재 PC
크기 111mm*65mm*33mm
전원공급장치 Built-in battery
배터리 3.7V / 2400mAh(충전식)
서비스 수명 6 개월
작동 온도 -20℃ ~ 60℃
작동 습도 10% ~ 90% RH, 비응결
보호 IP65
LoRaWAN 사양.
작동 주파수 다중 밴드 선택 사항:
EU868 / US915 / AS923 / KR923 / 865 등
통신 프로토콜 표준 LoRaWAN® 프로토콜
작동 모드 클래스 A
통신거리 >2km (1.24 마일) 열린 공간에서
보고 30 분 (조절할 수 있는), immediate reporting
when accelerometer is triggered
하드웨어 사양.
GPS Positioning accuracy 5m-10m, supports GPS
and Beidou dual-mode positioning
감지기 가속도계
단추 전원 켜기 / 끄다, 초기화


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