건설 현장, 화학 공장 등 위험도가 높은 작업 환경에 적합, 작업자의 안전 보장이 최우선입니다. 기존 솔루션에는 목에 착용하는 배지가 포함되는 경우가 많습니다., 때로는 작업 중에 작업자에게 불편할 수 있습니다.. 광산 has designed a product specifically to address this issue: MWH01 Bluetooth® 헬멧 태그, featuring a curved design that fits helmets perfectly, offering a comfortable experience and easy installation.

how mwh01 bluetooth helmet tag protects workers

Highlight Features of MWH01 Bluetooth® Helmet Tag

곡선형 인체공학적 디자인

The MWH01’s curved shell is tailored for helmets, ensuring a snug and secure fit with easy installation. By fitting tightly onto the helmet, the MWH01 minimizes the risk of accidental detachment and provides a secure and reliable attachment, especially useful in complex industrial environments.

mwh01 bluetooth helmet tag curved ergonomic design

배터리 수명 연장

With a tiny yet robust 230 mAh battery and a low-power design, the MWH01 can operate for up to 3 years with reliable performance, minimizing the need for battery replacements and maintenance.

Ultra-Compact & 경량

무게는 6.7g에 불과합니다., 태그는 사용자에게 눈에 띄는 부담을 주지 않습니다., optimizing their experience. 슬림한 프로필 (두께가 5.3mm에 불과하다.) ensures it blends seamlessly into operations without interfering with daily tasks.

Durable & Reliable Build

The IP66 rating and rugged housing ensure that the MWH01 Bluetooth® Helmet Tag withstands even the harshest conditions, making it perform well in industrial settings like outdoor construction sites, 화학공장, 및 창고.

맞춤형 브랜딩 옵션

You can personalize the MWH01 with your company’s logo or identifiers to enhance your brand image and improve worker identification and team cohesion.

Applications of MWH01 Bluetooth® Helmet Tag

대규모 건설현장에서, 안전과 효율성이 가장 중요합니다, and the MWH01 Bluetooth® Helmet Tag allows real-time monitoring of workerslocations, 지정된 안전 구역에 존재하도록 보장. 화학공장 등 위험도가 높은 환경에서, 작업자의 안전을 보장하는 것이 중요합니다, and the MWH01 enables precise tracking of personnel to prevent accidental exposure to hazardous areas, 가연성 또는 독성 물질이 있는 구역 등. 추가적으로, in busy warehouses or logistics centers, the MWH01 optimizes operations by tracking worker movements, helping to streamline workflows and improve efficiency, thereby ensuring personnel safety.

applications of mwh01 bluetooth helmet tag


The MWH01 Bluetooth® Helmet Tag is a thoughtful solution to address the challenge of mobile worker location tracking and safety management. The most attractive feature, the curved ergonomic design and ultra-lightweight build, not only enhance the usage experience but also showcase Minew’s attitude of professionalism and thoughtfulness, attending to even the tiniest detail.

다음: 더 작지만 더 나은: MG7 미니 이더넷 Nova 게이트웨이는 이중 연결을 통해 안정적인 전송을 제공합니다.
이전: Minew와 InPlay, MTB06 BLE 인쇄 가능한 스마트 라벨 공개

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