MBT02 Bluetooth LE Connectable Asset Tag


The MBT02 Bluetooth LE Connectable Asset Tag is an advanced asset tracking solution powered by Minew’s 3rd-generation Bluetooth LE firmware. With bidirectional connectivity, the MBT02 executes gateway commands seamlessly to activate LED or sound alerts, helping to pinpoint packages and items more quickly. Supporting remote configuration and batch management, it’s ideal for large-scale operations like logistics hubs and entrepôts. The MBT02 is a long-life, cost-effective tag for long-term asset management. Designed with security in mind, it features an anti-tamper alarm for secure asset tracking.

  • 150m (492 pi) Portée de diffusion
  • Pick to Light / Sound Alert
  • Built-in Accelerometer
  • Multi-year Battery Life
  • Anti-tamper Design
  • Batch Tag Management

Dual-Mode Picking: Light & Sound Guidance

Pick to light

Activate the bright LED indicator to quickly locate the item even in cluttered environments.


Trigger the loud sound alert to immediately draw attention to the item’s location.

Trigger and find it

Remotely trigger the light and sound alert of the tag, and then find the item or package effortlessly.

Periodic or Movement-based Monitoring

Receive location updates regularly, or when the movement occurs.

Periodic Mode

Customize the report interval to regularly receive the location updates.
Periodic Mode

Movement-triggered Mode

Get instant notifications for stop/move tracking when the accelerometer is triggered.
Movement-triggered Mode
Secure Tracking with Anti-tamper Design

Secure Tracking with Anti-tamper Design

Protect your high-value assets with ease using the MBT02 Connectable Asset Tag. It triggers an instant alert to the remote platform if the tag is removed unexpectedly or if the item moves beyond the geo-fence.

Up to 2-Year Battery & Flexible Control

Up to 2-Year Battery & Flexible Control

• Industry-leading 24-month long-lasting battery life
• Customizable data report interval for application-based usage and extended battery life
• Long-term asset tracking and management

Real-time Visibility & Remote Control

Real-time Visibility & Remote Control

The MBT02 supports seamless batch configuration and remote management, while over-the-air (OTA) updates ensure it adapts to evolving market needs and industry standards.

Comment ça fonctionne

Comment ça fonctionne

Des solutions transparentes pour divers scénarios

Gestion des stocks d'entrepôt
Gestion des actifs de détail
Museum & Art Gallery Security
Logistics & Supply Chain


Dimensions des étiquettes d'équipement connectables MBT02
* Pour des mesures précises, veuillez vous référer à l'objet physique.
Poids 17 g
Matériau du corps abdos
Couleur Blanc (personnalisable)
Ébrécher série nRF52
Batterie Batterie série CR, 500 mAh
Capteur Accéléromètre
OTA Prise en charge
Demonstration Platform Minew TagCloud 3.0
Application MinewLink / Connexion nRF
Portée de diffusion Jusqu'à 150 m / 492 pi (espace ouvert)
Température de fonctionnement -20℃ ~ 60℃


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