Office Kit Introduced

Minew cordially introduces you to use our IoT starter kit MOS, a complete Bluetooth® LE gadget bundle kit that includes a various assortment of devices for all your office needs, including asset management, personnel management, and an environmental comfort monitor. This package comes with everything you need to quickly put together a modern office setup. The components of this kit are verified to work effectively with tested systems. These devices alone function impeccably on their own, and when associated together, they provide a whole foundation. Any office building can benefit from utilizing a full-strength Bluetooth® LE surveillance network.

IoT starter kit MOS

The MOS starter kit is easy to assemble and is made to fit any location. Thanks to its blazing-fast gateway and the Minew cloud platform, this kit provides the improved speed needed to manage a large number of Bluetooth® LE devices. Regardless of the kind or size of your workplace, it uses cutting-edge technology and the greatest degree of accuracy to give the most responsive measure at the lowest price. These devices were carefully picked from a wide range of Minew products to best suit your needs.

Current Problems

Managing employees and maintaining a live record of corporate assets on the server has always been a challenging problem yet to solve, from office compartments and conference rooms to front desks. Due to the growing cost of labor, the complexity of management, and inefficient productivity, scaling to keep up with the exponential growth of staff demands has not been an easy task for employers. Even after decades of electronics, computers, and digital tools, the office industry still lacks adequate IT support. The office working processes have been hampered for years by the loss of an asset and the inability to locate workers or visitors. Data redundancy and inconsistency cause the server to work at a slow speed at a high overhead cost.

The Benefits of IoT

IoT-based products and services are being developed and offered in a number of areas, including the workplace. The IoT is anticipated to bring changes, especially in the office sector. The market for distributed-based office services is also predicted to grow rapidly as a result of rising smartphone usage and the development of the mobile communication network environment. These IoT-based products have physical, intelligent, and connectivity elements.

IoT-based products and services come with capabilities like computerization, remote control, monitoring, and optimization. Office-specific IoT-based goods and services add value by providing features for monitoring ambient comfort and employee check-in/check-out. IoT big data technologies have changed a number of business practices across sectors. The collection of large data sets on consumer behavior, product performance, etc. is made possible by sensors and IoT technology. Wearables like cards and wristbands, for instance, keep track of our working, visiting, and movement patterns. Businesses can better their goods and services to satisfy customers thanks to the insights they get from this data. Companies may simplify both short-term and long-term activities with the use of data about business operations.

smart offices

Beyond enhancements, firms may use IoT solutions to spot trends and fresh chances for expansion. Finding a new market for an existing product or breaking into lucrative areas are made to be possible now. An easy and secure method of entering facilities is provided by access control systems. Locks, card readers, and biometric systems that are all connected are each given a distinct IP address that they use to communicate with one another. These tools assist employees in entering buildings or workplaces without a plastic ID while deterring trespassers.

In the majority of businesses, staff members may use linked IoT mobile applications and a digital ID to enter a facility. The system may keep track of each user’s access level and timing. Any malicious behavior causes authorized devices to produce an alert, from which you may send commands. This guarantees the security of workers and other corporate assets.

MOS IoT Kit as a Solution

Better experiences can be had with MOS IoT kit. Systems are coupled to these gadgets to bring workers a more comfortable presence over any location in place of the seamless transition experience. Professionals may engage with on-site employees, navigate without outside assistance, and visit facilities almost anywhere in the globe with just a few clicks thanks to this technology. Other immersive technologies, such as augmented reality, offer experiences that are as genuine as possible, enabling consumers to evaluate items or negotiate convoluted situations from a distance.

Successful implementation of the internet of things at work leads to intelligent offices. These IoT devices in workplaces are helping businesses improve day-to-day operations at workplaces. Examples include Bluetooth LE that can send data to phones and gateways, smart sensors that adjust temperature and lighting, indoor way finders, etc.

Benefits include improved collaborations, more opportunities for finding additional revenue streams and establishing intelligent building access, all of which the ultimate goal is to create smart offices.

The MG4 Gateway

Minew developed the rechargeable MG4 gateway, a Bluetooth® WiFi gateway that can be used to monitor and gather data from Bluetooth® LE devices. The MG4 has a removable battery and is cordless-compatible. When the network is down, it stores data on board and delivers data in JSON format through WiFi. To optimize operations, increase productivity, and cut costs, MG4 may help manage staff and assets. The MG4 gateway has a power cable connection and a rechargeable battery that lasts 12 hours of runtime to guarantee reliable data transfer. This capability allows MG4 to endure the majority of power outages. The gathered signals are packaged into JSON packets and sent via Wi-Fi to the server. On the cloud platform, users may locate Bluetooth® devices and remotely control individuals, locations, objects, and surroundings. Due to its portable nature, anywhere Bluetooth® LE signals need to be gathered in an office complex, MG4 may be installed in large numbers. Building your IoT networking using MG4 may result in cheaper deployment costs, more efficiency, increased flexibility during installation, and preserved tracking precision due to its compact size and inexpensive cost.

The gateway has the ability to upload and collect data at the same time. To respond quickly to changing circumstances, scan and upload intervals can be selected. Customers may avoid duplications and restrict data flow by employing various data filtering options, enabling them to only receive the data they require. A broad selection of Bluetooth® devices is compatible with MG4. OTA is supported for updating the firmware. When the network is down, data can be stored in the MG4 gateway’s internal memory. Data loss due to network issues is prevented by the gateway’s ability to rejoin to the network even when it is offline and store up to 1080 records of data. This feature allows MG4 to endure most network interruptions. Data packets downloading and uploading are done in a timely fashion without notice.

To gain greater management of data flow and more precise data receipt for various circumstances, the user may configure data filtration, scanning intervals, and uploading intervals. The MG4 can work with a variety of Bluetooth devices, and users may configure data upload to the cloud or local servers using the MQTT or HTTP protocols. MQTT also has an optional SSL or TCP security protocol. The privacy and security of data may be guaranteed with autonomous control over data flow. With the use of the many filtrations that MG4 provides, such as those by MAC address, MAC address regular expression, raw data, BLE name, and RSSI value, a user may easily pick and choose which beacons they wish to view.

Intelligently and effectively, the MG4 gateway gathers data from beacons and sensors in the office environment. It may be used with a variety of sensors to trace shifts and dynamically change the workplace environment. For instance, air conditioners may be adjusted appropriately round-the-clock to increase environmental comfort and conserve energy when used in conjunction with temperature and humidity sensors. The MG4 may be utilized with door magnetic sensors and infrared sensors to provide area access control and room occupancy monitoring, increasing office productivity. MG4 may offer visitor management and employee check-in/out using personnel locating beacons. Asset tags can also be used with it for asset management. The MG4 gateway is perfect for precarious circumstances or where data collecting might be crucial in some office tasks since it can function independently in the event of a power outage or network disruption. It may be utilized in shows with people finding beacons. It can monitor the surroundings in conjunction with temperature and humidity sensors, making necessary adjustments as necessary.

MSP01 Passive Infrared Sensor

The passive infrared sensor MSP01 was primarily created for indoor body movement detection. The device that supports Bluetooth LE converts the PIR signal from a person’s or a pet’s body that has been detected by an internal pyroelectric infrared sensor into a voltage signal for warnings. Through their smartphones, users may detect interior conditions at any time, or they can remotely review the data the gateway has received. Additionally, the MSP01’s adjustable bracket allows for flexible adjustment of the detecting angles.

Users may mount it indoors for asset monitoring since it has a PIR Sensor inside and a relative algorithm capability. The cloud or users’ mobile devices, for instance, can instantly receive the body infrared signal from the PIR sensor during the monitoring time when someone enters the hall illegally to steal assets. This can be done, for example, by installing in the hallway or business compartment for tracking some important tasks. Users may manage the space effectively by installing MSP01 to measure space consumption in the conference room, workplace, etc. Users may gather PIR data to achieve numerous scene linkage, including room temperature control and smart lighting, by collaborating with built-in temperature & humidity sensors, phototransistors, and relative algorithm capability. This helps with energy-saving and management cost reduction.

The S1 Temperature and Humidity Sensor

Minew created the S1 digital Bluetooth® LE temperature and humidity sensor to provide incredibly accurate environmental monitoring. S1 can track the ambient temperature for a full day to carry out the aim of providing employees with a pleasant sense of comfort. S1 is capable of real-time detection and has a wide detecting temperature range. In order to reduce fluctuation and efficiently extend S1’s service life in harsh settings, S1 incorporates an integrated probe. The S1 sensor can measure the humidity and temperature of the surrounding air and send that information to the gateway. Data can be captured and locally saved. Alarms for temperature and humidity can have threshold values specified. It can be utilized in patient rooms for ambient temperature monitoring to ensure that the temperature remains stable or ideal for workers in various rooms while it eliminates the need to check the temperature in each room and instead allows for monitoring on a computer or phone with data fed from the server. Any workplace setting is also perfect for it. With a precision of 1°C and a range that may go as low as 20°C, S1 offers the ideal answer for situations where the storing temperature for such supplies may be critical. It’s crucial to have the right temperature and humidity levels established in a perfect working environment. The MG4 gateway will notify any changes to the server so that the temperature can be rapidly changed, or any unforeseen worrisome occurrences may be found and investigated. Due to S1’s IP67 certification for water and dust resistance, it can withstand liquid spills and continue operating normally.

The C10 Card Beacon

C10 card beacon is designed for staff and visitors. Once the closest gateway detects the Bluetooth® broadcast signals from C10 and its NFC is used for area access control, visitor register, or staff check-in/out, the wearers’ locations may be ascertained. The management will be notified if a guest reaches a restricted area without following the required protocol thanks to the implementation of a virtual barrier. Additionally, it contains a panic button that, when pressed, will send out an alarm if a visitor or employee needs help. The gateway will quickly provide assistance to the requester once it has located itself. The wearer’s motion may be determined using the optional accelerometer.

MBT01 Anti-Removal Asset Tag

The MBT01 Bluetooth® location tag is designed for asset tracking and has a removal admonition switch. If the asset tag is forcefully removed without being authorized, it will broadcast a specific signal to the server to ensure the item’s safety, and the administrator will be informed that the asset tag has been deleted. The system would also notify the administrator that the asset is no longer in the place of its original location if the asset that MBT01 is tied to has been transferred outside of the gateway’s coverage area. To guarantee asset security and speedy searching, it adheres to the asset with adhesives. The device’s portability allows for usage with other office equipment and crucial tools for improved business administration.

Work Together as a Whole

When utilized collectively, the MOS kit offers you an efficient and flexible solution for workplaces. If correctly installed and connected with a useful system, beacons can guide employees and visitors to their destinations while updating locations and temperatures of different areas. The gateway is incredibly adaptable and may be installed anywhere because it can run independently for up to 12 hours on its built-in battery without any power sources. By building and integrating a network around the kit utilizing ingresses from local servers or cloud platforms, the administrator may quickly identify visitors, keep an eye on business assets, or see employee statuses.

The use of our IoT TagCloud platform is free. By further developing your own system and platform based on our SDK, you may achieve limitless possibilities. Because of its aesthetically pleasing graphical user interface, TagCloud is perfect for testing and showcasing. Data monitoring and device control in batches are also options. In order for the kit to realize its full potential, secondary development is also necessary.


With the aid of this kit and a put into place platform, an office, a full building, or an entire corporate complex may be observed and regulated remotely. The system will detect any changes in temperature or the entry of new assets. If one gateway is mistakenly disconnected or out of service, the other gateways will take over. The MG4 gateway can gather and analyze up to 75 packets per second even in a congested environment. The IoT kit comes with classy and low-key designs that fit nicely with any office setting, including compact form factor tags and portable personal beacons. Just bring extra beacons and gateways to the current system to encompass your monitored regions when you need to scale. The MOS kit provides you fulfillment when you engage as a team, freeing you up to focus on more significant tasks.

Let MOS IoT Kit Enlighten Your Office Space

By fundamentally implementing trustworthy methods, Minew’s IoT starter kit MOS may help you realize the full potential of your system while synergistically recapitalizing the core information based on your current infrastructure and transforming it into a compellingly attractive long-term high impact infomediaries. Its unique traits and abilities eventually provide access to effective intellectual informatics whether managing a single office space or a large corporate complex. With the use of this kit, the company’s assets can be secured concurrently while guaranteeing guests’, personnel’s, and staff’s safety while maintaining proper room temperature.

Thanks to our cloud platform, which reliably provides principle-centered confluences, any office activities can be documented. Any office may benefit emphatically from this simple yet adequate IoT kit. With the use of this kit, a newly syndicated transparent core competency may now integrate with already implemented procedures.

Now available for pre-order!

The smart office IoT starter kit is available for pre-order now. Contact our sales team to order yours today to transform offices.

Next: Minew Launches Partner Program to Drive More Efficient Growth
Prev: Discover Our Latest Launch, The IoT Starter Kit – MHS

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