B7 Button Wristband is an emergency button that is Quuppa AoA System supported, enabling the precise location in personnel management for patients by integrating into RTLS (real-time locating system) solusi, advancing the Gelang Medis B6 with the addition of emergency call and NFC functions. The B7 Button Wristband Bluetooth 5.0 hardware platform based on nRF52 chip, advertising iBeacon, batu eddy (UID, URL, TLM), and accelerometer sensor simultaneously delivers unparalleled Bluetooth IoT network value.
When the patient is in an emergency such as falling but with a quick pressing on the SOS button of B7, the one’s status can be promptly detected through Bluetooth® LE indoor positioning technology, in the meanwhile the background personnel and medical staff who receive the signal according to the positioning information can arrange the rescue in time.
B7 is affordable and easy to deploy, which can be widely applied in large quantities in indoor positioning, konser, and other personnel management events. Combined with digital maps, the B7 can assist admins to keep a tab on the personnel flow in various regions, ensure people’s safety, and guarantee the smooth process of activities.
With the built-in NFC, the B7 can be used for the daily check-in of employees. Combined with the geo-fencing function, it can set access rights for different office areas, master the space utilization, and map out the work area reasonably; Lebih-lebih lagi, with the Minew G1 gateway, it can construct personnel tracking system to deal with emergencies.
B7 Button Wristband now comes with three elegant color choices: hitam, putih, dan abu-abu. Pengguna dapat memilih antara versi gelang sekali pakai atau yang dapat digunakan kembali, versi gelang yang bisa dilepas, melayani berbagai kebutuhan. Kedua versi dibuat untuk ketahanan tahan air, kenyamanan saat dipakai dalam waktu lama, dan ketahanan terhadap tarikan, memastikan keandalan dalam lingkungan medis yang menuntut.
Produk | B6 | B7 | B9 |
SDK | √ | √ | √ |
Konfigurasi Aplikasi yang relevan | BeaconSET | BeaconSET+ | BeaconSET+ |
Data yang Dikumpulkan oleh Gateway | √ | √ | √ |
Tahan air | IP66 | IP67 | IP67 |
Demonstrasi Awan | √ | √ | √ |
Pemantauan Suhu | × | × | × |
Satu Panggilan Untuk Bantuan | × | √ | × |
Sensor Akselerasi | × | √ | × |
Anti-perusakan | × | × | √ |
Dapat diisi ulang | × | × | × |
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