IoT Starter Kits

Have you ever wonder using IoT starter kits in your solutions? For the warehouse, cold room, hospital, office or venues! It will surely be the fastest and easiest way to prototype different IoT application scenarios while avoiding a high investment upfront. Click Buy Now Get started with IoT.

How it works

How it works - Minew: Leading Bluetooth Gateway Manufacturer With Strong R&D| Minew

Minew’s Bluetooth Gateway support multiple application scenarios

Next-level Cold Chain Monitoring

Take cold chain monitoring to new heights with the MG5. Ensure temperature-sensitive goods integrity with real-time tracking, alerts, and advanced analytics for the optimal cold chain management.

Next-level Cold Chain Monitoring

Pharma Logistics

We address challenges related to limited visibility into temperature conditionsduring transportation and the need for compliance with strict regulatoryguidelines.By offering real-time temperature monitoring, automated alertingand data analysis, we enable timely identification and correction of tempera-ture fluctuations, ensuring improved pharma product quality and safety.

Pharma Logistics

Dairy Product Transportation

Temperature fluctuations pose significant challenges to dairy product transpotation. We tackle this by installing temperature sensors on refrigerated trucksfor continuous monitoring and real-time data transmission. Fleet managersreceive alerts, enabling proactive measures to prevent spoilage, and resulting inimproved product quality, safety, customer satisfaction, and loyalty.

Dairy Product Transportation

Bakery Product Transportation

We address the challenges of bakery product transportation by providingreal-time temperature monitoring and alerts. With sensors deployed, we ensureincreased visibility into temperature conditions and prompt response to deviations. Real-time analytics enable quick issue identification,while alerts forfactors like door openings,power outages, and refrigeration system failuresfurther enhance control.

Bakery Product Transportation

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