Suar Tahan Air E9

E9 Beacons for Asset Tracking
used in assets tracking & management in warehouse and logistics.

Suar Tahan Air E9 is a beacon logger with a low-energy Bluetooth® LE 5.0 & Nordic nRF52 chip. Mounted with screws on targeted items, it’s mainly used in assets tracking & management in gudang Dan logistik. Juga, E9 supports Wirepas Mesh and allows proximity information pushing in retail shops and indoor tracking in airports or tourist attractions to increase interaction with consumers.

  • IP67 Waterproof & Dustproof
  • Baterai koin yang dapat diganti
  • Bluetooth® LE 5.0
  • Maks. 100 jarak iklan meter
  • Internal ON/OFF push button
  • Accelerometer sensor option

Aplikasi Khas

Pemantauan aktivitas

Pemantauan aktivitas

Do you want to get to know the exact movement and location of special things or people even you are not around? E9 can help work this out. Bluetooth low-energy beacons have been used for workflow analysis and infectious disease modeling as they can track the locations of individuals in indoor environments.

Pelacakan inventaris

Pelacakan inventaris

Savvy supply chain managers have been using Bluetooth® LE beacons as a great way to save time and money in logistics and supply chain management. By transmitting its unique identifier to the Bluetooth gateways around, E9 can effectively track the inventory for enhanced working efficiency.

Lokasi dalam ruangan

Lokasi dalam ruangan

Attached to the targeted objects, E9 can be used for the indoor location in a variety of vertical industries. E9 can improve the ease of navigation, find what you’re looking for, deliver targeted location-based information, improve accessibility, accumulate valuable data insights, dll..

Promosi ritel

Promosi ritel

With the indoor positioning function, E9 assists the retail industry to offer in-store navigation and location-based advertising to customers. Customers can receive push notifications of special offers and discount coupons of the store they step in.


E9 Beacons for Asset Tracking Specifications dimensions
* Untuk pengukuran yang tepat, silakan lihat objek fisiknya.
Berat 25G(Sudah termasuk baterai)
Bahan ABS
protokol Bluetooth Bluetooth® LE 5.0
Tahan air IP67
Baterai CR series, 1000mAh,18 bulan
Jangkauan transmisi 100M

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