The Gateway(s) collect(s) the data coming from the Asset Tags through the Wirepas Massive network and send it to a server (On-Cloud or On-Premise). Gateways can also receive commands and/or software update messages (OTAP) from the server to be sent to individual Asset Tags or to the whole network.
These are Wirepas Massive routers which serve as a location reference for the Wirepas Positioning Engine (WPE) and are also used to route data from the Asset Tags to the Gateways and from the Gateways to the Asset Tags.
Anchors can be battery-operated with a battery lifetime of 5+ နှစ်များ (depending on battery capacity).
Asset Tags
The Asset Tags are Wirepas nodes running the Wirepas positioning application. At a regular interval or on specific events (movement, button press…) the Asset Tags wake-up, collect signal strength information (RSSI) from the Anchors in their neighbourhood and send the information to the Gateway(s) through the Wirepas Massive network. The Gateways then forward the measurement data to the server where the Wirepas Positioning Engine (WPE) runs and computes a position based on known position of Anchors and measured RSSI.