MWH01 බ්ලූටූත් හෙල්මට් ටැගය

The Perfect Tag for Helmets and Safety Excellence.

The MWH01 Helmet Tag is a compact and versatile Bluetooth beacon powered by the Nordic nRF52 series SoC, tailored for precise personnel tracking and enhanced safety in demanding industrial environments. Designed for both indoor and outdoor use, it excels in construction sites, රසායනික ශාක, ගබඩා, and other high-risk settings like underground construction. Leveraging advanced BLE 5.0 තාක්ෂණය, the MWH01 enables real-time indoor location monitoring with 3- to 5-meter accuracy, improving operational efficiency and ensuring construction worker safety. Its rugged IP66-rated design and ultra-lightweight build make it a reliable piece of construction worker safety gear for harsh and dynamic work conditions.

  • Curved Design for a Seamless Fit
  • Compact & Lightweight
  • lP66 Protection
  • Battery Life up to 8 Months
  • Custom Branding
Curved Ergonomic Design

Curved Ergonomic Design

Tailored for helmets, the curved shell ensures a snug and secure fit. This design minimizes the risk of accidental detachment, even in high-movement environments, while maintaining comfort and ease of installation.

Customizable Branding Options

Customizable Branding Options

Personalize the MWH01 with your company’s logo or identifiers. This feature not only enhances your brand image but also improves worker identification and team cohesion.

Ultra-Compact & Lightweight

Ultra-Compact & Lightweight

Weighing just 6.7g, the tag adds no noticeable burden to users. Its slim profile (only 5.3mm thick) ensures it blends seamlessly into your operations without interfering with daily tasks.

Durable & Reliable Build

Durable & Reliable Build

Certified with an IP66 rating, the MWH01 is protected against water jets, dust, and harsh environmental conditions. This rugged durability makes it an ideal choice for outdoor construction sites, රසායනික ශාක, and warehouses.

Application Scenarios

ඉදිකිරීම් ස්ථාන
ඉදිකිරීම් ස්ථාන

On large-scale construction sites, safety and efficiency are paramount. The MWH01 Bluetooth® Helmet Tag allows real-time monitoring of workers' locations, ensuring their presence in designated safe zones.

- Real-Time Monitoring
- Safety Alerts
- Incident Response
- Data Insights

Chemical Plants
Chemical Plants

In high-risk environments like chemical plants, ensuring worker safety is critical. The MWH01 enables precise tracking of personnel to prevent accidental exposure to hazardous areas, such as zones with flammable or toxic materials.

- Danger Zone Management
- Time Tracking
- Incident Investigation
- Enhanced Compliance


Optimize operations and ensure personnel safety in busy warehouses or logistics centers with MWH01. By tracking worker movements, the system helps streamline workflows and improve efficiency.

- Task Management
- Resource Allocation
- Safety Assurance
- Operational Transparency

Underground Construction
Underground Construction

In underground construction projects, such as tunnel building or mining operations, maintaining worker safety and coordination is especially challenging due to confined spaces and poor visibility. The MWH01 Bluetooth® Helmet Tag excels in such environments by providing precise indoor location tracking with 3- to 5-meter accuracy.

- High-Precision Tracking
- Enhanced Safety
- Coordination Efficiency
- Incident Documentation


MWH01-size dimensions
* නිවැරදි මිනුම් සඳහා, කරුණාකර භෞතික වස්තුව වෙත යොමු වන්න.
Basic Info.
වර්ණය සුදු (අභිරුචිකරණය කළ හැකි)
බර 6.7g
IP Rating IP66
බැටරි Cr ශ්රේණියේ බැටරි, 230 mAh
වැඩ කරන උෂ්ණත්වය -20~60℃ (-4~140°F)
බැටරි ආයු කාලය 8 මාස (Default configuration)
අයදුම්පත BeaconSET Plus
Technical Specs.
චිප් Nordic nRF52 ශ්‍රේණිය
බ්ලූටූත් අනුවාදය Bluetooth® LE 5.0
විකාශන බලය -40dBm ~ +4dBm
Broadcast Frequency 100ms ~ 5s
විකාශන පරාසය Up to 50m/164ft (විවෘත ප්රදේශය)

අපව අමතන්න

ඔබගේ ප්‍රශ්නවලට පිළිතුරු දීමට අපගේ කණ්ඩායම සතුටු වේ. පෝරමය පුරවන්න, අපි හැකි ඉක්මනින් සම්බන්ධ වන්නෙමු.

    ඔබගේ තොරතුරු කිසිඳු තත්වයක් යටතේ කිසිඳු තෙවන පාර්ශවයක් සමඟ බෙදා නොගනු ඇත.
    සජීවී කතාබස්

    නිෂ්පාදනය ඔබේ ව්‍යාපාරයට සුදුසු එකක් දැයි කල්පනා කිරීම? සැබෑ මිනිසුන් සමඟ කතාබස් කරන්න.

    දැන් කතාබස් කරන්න ඊමේල් කරන්න
    ඔයාට ස්තූතියි අපගේ කණ්ඩායම ඔබට විද්‍යුත් තැපෑලෙන් පිළිතුරු දෙනු ඇත 24 පැය. ඔබට එය නොලැබුණහොත්, කරුණාකර ඔබගේ කුණු තැපැල් පෙට්ටිය පරීක්ෂා කරන්න.