Open Source Remote Management Platform for Demonstration and Testing.
Minew TagCloud is an IoT cloud platform demo developed by Minew, specially for managing Bluetooth® LE devices at anytime, anywhere. For everyone who has purchased Minew beacon products (प्रोटोकॉल पब्लिक के साथ), TagCloud is a virtual assistant in asset management, data storage, analysis, वगैरह. The platform integrates the functions of data collecting and demonstration, Minew Gateway monitoring, general Bluetooth® LE devices management and open source, facilitating centralized management of IoT device.
Try Free DemoDesigned for bulk management of Minew Connectable Bluetooth devices. By sending commands to the gateway, the platform can control the devices through the gateway, which can modify parameters for up to 500 या बैचों में अधिक उपकरण, set sensors, light, अँगूठी, upgrade firmware, shut down, restore factory settings, and update the gateway firmware as well.
Try Free DemoIt is free for customers to demonstrate and test Minew tags, and help shorten the product development cycle.
Data sent by the monitored device will be collected in real-time and graphed on the dashboard of related device.
Adding or deleting devices in batch greatly saves time and effort in operation.
API is freely available for your modification and reference design, which speeds up your cloud platform solution quickly to market.
With a brand new website layout of neat and clear, the Platform contains nothing fancy but the basic and necessary graphs and contents.
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