MBT01 एंटी-टैम्पर एसेट टैग

Guarding Assets, Defining Security.

MBT01 एंटी-टैम्पर एसेट टैग
MBT01 Bluetooth location tag

MBT01 is a Bluetooth location tag with an anti-tamper button that is intended for asset tracking. If forcibly removed, MBT01 will broadcast a specific signal and inform the server and administrator to ensure asset security. तक प्रसारण दूरी पहुँच सकती है 492 फुट (150 एम) on the default setting, ensuring fast-searching and asset management in the गोदाम. Due to its portable design, the device can also be deployed on the sickbed or medical equipment in the अस्पताल, thus improving the use and management of medical resources.

  • ब्लूटूथ® एलई 5.0
  • Anti-Tamper Alarm
  • तक 2 years Service Lifetime
  • तक 492 फुट (150 एम) प्रसारण रेंज
  • IP65 Waterproof & Dustproof
  • Portable & Fashionable Design
Asset management enhanced

Asset management enhanced

By using geo-fencing and setting permissions for different areas, MBT01 can ensure that assets are used within the specified range.

High-efficient regulation

High-efficient regulation

Small and light, MBT01 is designed to be installed on supplies in offices, गोदामों, वगैरह।, in order to regulate the use effectively.

Anti-tamper guaranteed

Anti-tamper guaranteed

MBT01 will alert for asset security as soon as it’s forcibly removed from the targeted item.

Effective & strong linkage

Effective & strong linkage

Cooperate with Minew gateways to implement automatic asset inventory by equipping strategic assets, shelves, and other items with MBT01.

Long range & long service life

Long range & long service life

तक प्रसारण दूरी पहुँच सकती है 492 फुट (150 एम) while battery life can reach up to 2 years under default settings.

विशेष विवरण

MBT01 dimensions
* सटीक माप के लिए, कृपया भौतिक वस्तु का संदर्भ लें.
रंग सफ़ेद
परिचालन तापमान -20℃ ~ 60℃
वज़न 6.4जी
सामग्री पेट
डिवाइस फ़र्मवेयर iBeacon & एडीस्टोन(गलती करना)
छेड़छाड़ विरोधी
चिप एनआरएफ52 श्रृंखला
बैटरी CR Button Series, 220 mAh की
प्रसारण रेंज 150 एम
आईपी ​​प्रमाणित आईपी65

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